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Contact Us

Dormitories Manager:
Ahmet Tevfik HAMAMCI – tevfik.hamamci@bilkent.edu.tr – Phone: 90-312-290 4002

Asst. Dormitories Manager: 
Tacettin KÜÇÜK – tacettin@bilkent.edu.tr – Phone: 90-312-290 4008

Dormitory Managers:
Tanju MALÇOK – tmalcok@bilkent.edu.tr – Phone: 90-312-290 4147, 4148
Ahmet EROL – aerol@bilkent.edu.tr – Phone: 90-312-290 3231, 4004
Faruk İÇKE – ficke@bilkent.edu.tr – Phone: 90-312-290 5136, 5137
Halil SANCAK – hsancak@bilkent.edu.tr – Phone: 90-312-290 4003, 4017
Özgür YILMAZ – ozgur.yilmaz@bilkent.edu.tr – Phone: 90-312-290 5526, 5527

Chief of Unit:
Pembe TEKYILDIZ – pembe@bilkent.edu.tr – Phone: 90-312-290 5271, 5317
Salim AYDOS – aydos@bilkent.edu.tr – Phone: 90-312-290 4168, 4114
Turgay GÜNEŞ – turgay.gunes@bilkent.edu.tr – Phone: 90-312-290 4075, 4067
Yılmaz KILINÇARSLAN– kyilmaz@bilkent.edu.tr–Tel.: 290 4121, 4122
Yasemin Gürbüz ÖZTÜRK – ygurbuz@bilkent.edu.tr – Phone: 90-312-290 4082, 4004

Asst. Chief of Unit:
Fikriye EYLEN – eylen@bilkent.edu.tr – Phone: 90-312-290 3232
Aynur YILMAZ– aynury@bilkent.edu.tr–Tel.: 290 5283, 5138
Mehmet Murat ALTUN – mehmet.altun@bilkent.edu.tr–Tel.: 290 5527, 5525
Dilek AKÇAKAYA – dilek.akcakaya@bilkent.edu.tr–Tel.: 290 4145, 4009
Dilek Şule ÖZDEMİR – dilek.ozdemir@bilkent.edu.tr––Tel.: 290 4149, 4148

Dormitories Management Office Personnel: 
Şirin YAŞ (Asst. Chief of Unit) – sirint@bilkent.edu.tr – Phone: 90-312-290 4003 – 90-312-290 4015
Merve KAVUŞTUK (Asst. Supervisor) – merve.kavustuk@bilkent.edu.tr –Tel.: 290 4003, 4018

Supervisor of Repair / Maintenance & Logistic Support:
Ümit Orçun ALPTEKİN (Asst. Chief of Unit) – orcun.alptekin@bilkent.edu.tr – Tel: 290 4007, 4003

Manager on Duty (for Holidays and Off-workhours) – Phone: 90-312-290 4006

Correspondance Address:
Bilkent University
Main Campus, Dormitory 64, Entrance Floor
Dormitories Management 06800, Bilkent / ANKARA
Phone: 90-312-290 4002 – 90-312-290 4003 – 90-312-290 4005 – 90-312-266 4475
Fax: 90-312-266 4069

E-Mail Addresses: 

For Full-time Students: yurt@bilkent.edu.tr
For Exchange / International Students: dormexchange@bilkent.edu.tr